Hairy gay porn star colt

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See more of Anthony and the other COLT Icons at, duh, COLT. This is the type of guy who makes Flashback Friday worthwhile.Ĭheck out some shots from Anthony’s work with COLT below: He’s got a nice coating of fur, incredible thighs, a great curve on his cock and a goatee I wouldn’t mind rubbing against my taint. Hairy muscle man Mikey Camin Straight Young Muscular Lad Tom Strips, Wanks & Explodes over his Very Hairy Chest Muscule men Zeb shows his hairy muscled chest and big cock Jake Mitchell. Taking everything into accountarms, legs, cock, ass, back, face, hair, chest and, of course, my personal preferenceshere are The Sword’s favorite gay porn star bodies in all of gay porn. (See our previous posts on Buck Hayes, Terry Delong, Carl Hardwick, Pete Kuzak and Steve Kelso if you think I’m being overly enthusiastic for no good reason.)Īside from the hilariously dated dye-job in some of these pics, I’m going to give two thumbs (and one dick) up to their latest pick Anthony Page. If you liked The Sword’s Best Gay Porn Star Cocks and Best Gay Porn Star Asses, you’ll love The Sword’s Best Gay Porn Star Bodies in all of gay porn. These are the men that prove gay porn just ain’t what it used to be-ruggedly handsome, built well and so damn hot that a picture alone could cause you to blow your load.

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Flashback Friday: Anthony Page Is The Newest COLT ICONĪs far as I’m concerned, COLT has been killing it with the selections for their COLT ICON series.

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